Put it on your head briefly and wake up with one of those headaches that refuse to stop. It starts at the back of your head, goes up to the crown, and even can go down at the base of your eyes sometimes. There’s not going to be an aspirin that’s going to make it go, massage that’s going to iron out the kinks or stretching that will roll it off. And yet, according to every other parameter, it’s impossible to tell from a migraine. You may have occipital neuralgia if that sounds like what you are going through. On the bright side, relief is in sight. And good news for those who have tried everything else and come up short: surgery can be a lifesaver.
What Causes Occipital Neuralgia?
Occipital neuralgia is not typically triggered, but there are a few of the culprits who are repeat culprits. One of them is cervical trauma, in the guise of whiplash in a car accident.
One more of these is the slouch of people stuck in front of a computer or phone for hours at a time. Now, that is bad posture. Some people are developing occipital neuralgia because they have tight neck muscles and bad posture (which also leads to other kinds of back and neck pain). Other people have it because they are degenerating due to arthritis and are stuck in front of a computer or phone for hours at a time with bad posture. No matter how you cut it, though, occipital neuralgia is similarly T-shirted across different people.
And then one more thing occurs: Occipital neuralgia can take over your life.
Why Non-Surgical Treatments Might Not Be Effective
If you have dealt with occipital neuralgia, you have likely tried many occipital neuralgia treatment in search of relief. Pain medications and physical therapy are often prescribed, in the hope that they will manage the pesky symptoms. For many, the next step is Botox injections, which quiet the muscles that are giving us fits. But what about those for whom these measures don’t work? If your headache is still with you after all this, what then? You might consider the most dramatic of options: occipital neuralgia in Los Angeles surgery.
What Is Occipital Nerve Decompression Surgery?
This new procedure is aimed at decreasing the pressure on the patient’s occipital nerves and requiring very little invasion. Minutely measuring their tension before and after the operation allows the medical staff to know with some certainty that they have achieved their goal. This is a new procedure. This is a new procedure. This is a new procedure. This is a new procedure.
A trained surgeon cuts close to the hairline. The surgeon carefully burrows through muscle and tissue to the offending nerves. When they are severed, the surgeon releases whatever has pinched them—stiffened muscle, scar tissue, or in a few instances, tiny blood vessels. Some of the fatty tissue may be cut around the nerve to protect it, and prevent further irritation in other cases. It is performed under general anesthetic and takes two to three hours. Since it removes the cause of occipital neuralgia, most are cured permanently.
What to Expect After Surgery
We all heal in different ways, but we all get along just the same within a couple of weeks. You should anticipate that there will be soreness at the site of the cut initially, but it’s temporary. Some discover it immediately, and some will heal gradually with their nerve healing.
Your doctor will provide you with straightforward aftercare to make sure that you have a favorable outcome. Rest lots during the initial weeks—no exercise and lifting—to give your body a chance to recover. Follow-up visits will help monitor your healing process and make sure that you are progressing.
Does This Surgery Really Work?
The proof is in the pudding. It is a reduction of pain that is drastic in most individuals who have occipital nerve decompression, with some being totally without pain. To be able to shift from headache daily to business as usual and no headache anymore is the best.
And of course, anything’s not 100% guaranteed. Some of those patients will just have headaches somewhere down the line, but they’re usually a lot milder than they were originally. For individuals who’ve been experiencing them for decades with no end in sight, this surgery can be straight-out miraculous.
Is Occipital Neuralgia Surgery a Good Option?
Surgery might be the best option if you’ve been fighting chronic headaches.Schedule a consultation with a specialist who understands occipital neuralgia in Los Angeles.
In your evaluation, the doctor will perform a test of your physical exam, medical history, and even nerve block test when deciding what the diagnosis is. If the pain indeed disappears after the temporary nerve block, then that is a good sign that surgery might be a possibility as a potential cure for you.
Other Surgical Procedures for Occipital Neuralgia
While occipital nerve decompression is the gold standard, there are options for treating those for whom more is required.
Occipital Nerve Stimulation – A small device that emits electrical impulses beneath the skin is implanted under sedation, transmitting them into damaged nerves to break up pain signals.
Neurectomy – If your nerve can’t be saved to be repaired, it may be cut so that pain cannot pass through. This will block the nerve but may provide permanent relief.
Your doctor will recommend which procedure will best work for your condition and your lifestyle.
If your life has been dictated by persistent headaches, don’t wait another day to have real answers. Occipital neuralgia is frequently underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, but relief is available with appropriate treatment. You don’t have to spend your life on painkillers and Band-Aid fixes. Call today to schedule a consultation with an occipital neuralgia expert and find out if surgery is the answer for you. Take your life back and be yourself once again!