Published October 15, 2017, Authored by Dr. Adam Lowenstein

As you can see from the photo above I took in San Diego this weekend, Coronado is quite a beautiful spot.  Sometimes when visiting such a wonderful place it can be hard to believe that there are folks suffering even close by.

Importantly, you can have a migraine in Coronado, or in any relative paradise.  Migraine headaches don’t care if you live in Afghanistan or Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks or North Korea.  Yes, those spots are a stretch.  But the point is that migraine headaches and occipital neuralgia are location agnostic.  The migraine disease process does not care if you are rich or poor, fortunate or unfortunate.

I often see think of a sign that I know of at Rocky Mountain National Park, as you enter the wilderness.  “Mother Nature does not care about You.”  Migraine headaches can be thought oft similarly.  They can happen to anyone regardless of of age, location, or fortune.

Luckily, nerve decompression also works regardless of place.  It seems that wherever I go, migraine headache patients seem shocked that nerve decompression surgery can be life changing.  Even family of mine that live in San Diego, who are retired doctors, are relatively unaware of migraine surgery.

We are doing our best to get the word out that migraine surgery is now a well accepted alternative that can provide long term relief from occipital neuralgia and migraine headaches.  Even if you live in paradise.


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